This is a listing for a custom made calla lily bridal bouquet. This bouquet will be made when you order it according to your specifications and wishes.
This bouquet will have 10 real touch calla lily stems with the color of your choice. It is handmade & hand tied and will be accented with color matching ribbon. The bouquet will include 4 stems of eucalyptus.
If you want a combination of colors or other specifics, please contact me
The dimensions:
15” high x 10” wide
All flower colors & variations are subject to availability.

Real Touch essentially describes what florists consider to be an artificial yet botanically accurate and high-quality flower. From the vibrant, lifelike coloring of its petals to the true-to-life textures, Real Touch flowers are incredibly realistic in regards to their look and feel, rivaling the appearance of fresh flowers, and are a versatile option for the modern bride who wishes to forgo fresh in favor of an everlasting bouquet.

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