Introducing the Royal Angels Baby Electric Nail Trimmer 20 in 1 Set - the ultimate solution for effortless nail trimming for all ages. This value set includes a main unit, a hard storage and travel case, 6 filing attachment tools for baby"s nails, and 4 filing attachment tools for adult"s nails. We even added a special metal cone tool for callus removal. With 8 adhesive replacement emery pads included, you won"t need to buy replacement sandpaper pads/files often.

The nail trimmer pads come in different colors and strengths to suit your needs. For babies aged 0-3 months, use the orange pad. For 4-11 months, the green pad is recommended. And for 12 months and above, the blue pad is perfect. For adults, we have included a metal pad, a white/soft pad, a metal cylinder, and a metal cone for various nail care needs.

Using the Royal Angels Baby Electric Nail Trimmer is simple and convenient. Just insert 2 AA batteries, attach the trimmer pad, adjust the speed, and start trimming with ease.