ELENKER Knee Scooter Economy Knee Walker with Dual Braking System for Injury or Surgery to The Foot, Ankle Injuries Red

Product Condition:
Like New - Pre-Owned (as you can see in pictures)

Product Features:

- ELENKER knee scooter with efficient dual braking system for safety

- Four 8-inch PVC wheels suitable for indoor and outdoor smooth ground

- Adjustable height knee platform and handlebars for comfortable recovery

- Quick release folding mechanism for easy transport and storage

- Lightweight at 26 lbs, yet offers a robust 300 lb weight capacity, with a storage basket for personal belongings

Disclaimer policy:
Hey there! Just a heads up, this item is being sold in its current condition with no added warranties. The box may show some wear and tear or have been re-boxed, but the item itself is still in great shape!